Configure Proposal and Voting

Voting Cycle Duration - This is the time that your voting period is open for members to vote. In the BaseDAO contract, the time is expressed in blocks. Proposal Execution Delay - This is the time in levels/blocks that needs to pass for a proposal to become "executable". Proposal Expiration Threshold - The time in levels/blocks required before a proposal becomes expired. Returned Stake After Proposal Rejection - If a proposal fails, the proposer receives a percentage back. Min & Max Transfer Amounts - This helps you set a threshold for the amount that is acceptable to warrant the attention load of members voting, and also protect the DAO from a high percentage of the treasury being transferred with one proposal. Quorum Threshold - A quorum in democratic process refers to the amount of participants that need to participate in order for a vote to be a valid representative of a collective decision. Here it is measured in terms of % of total governance tokens in the DAO. For example, if there are 100,000 tokens in your DAO, and the quorum is 10%, at least 10,000 tokens or voting power need to be voted with. If not, the proposal will fail and not be able to be executed. Set your quorum to be low if it’s important that low participation doesn’t interfere with community governance. If your community is making highly consequential proposals, you might consider having a higher quorum. The next two numbers are the minimum and maximum amount the quorum threshold can get adjusted to after a period change. Quorum Change - A value that gets computed internally in the formula that calculates quorum adjustment. Quorum Max Change - The maximum amount your quorum can change in between periods.

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