Deployment Type

When creating a new DAO in Homebase, you now have two options:


With self-deploy, Homebase signs the deployment transactions locally and you must confirm them using your wallet. This preserves full decentralization by putting you in control of deploying the contract.

Specifically, self-deploy requires signing 4 transactions in total to initialize and confirm the contract:

  • Origination - Initializes the contract storage

  • First Confirmation - Confirms the origination

  • Second Confirmation - Confirms the first confirmation

  • Third Confirmation - Confirms the second confirmation

Once the third confirmation succeeds, your contract will be deployed and ready for use!

However, we've found the large bytecode size of the Homebase governance contract often causes issues when broadcasting transactions to the network. You may have to attempt the process multiple times before all transactions are confirmed successfully, which can take up to 15 minutes in total.

Managed Deploy

With managed deploy, you pay a small fee and Homebase handles deploying the contract for you using our centralized infrastructure. This ensures a smoother, more reliable deployment experience.

Here is how managed deploy works:

  1. Complete the DAO Creator flow, configuring parameters like token, quorum, and cycle length.

  2. At the end, select "Managed Deploy" and pay the transaction fee (around 8 XTZ).

  3. Our server takes your DAO parameters and deploys an instance of the contract to Tezos.

  4. Once deployed, we provide you with the contract address so you can start using your DAO!

This entire process typically takes 3-5 minutes.

The downside is that a centralized party (Homebase) is responsible for deploying the contract rather than having you deploy it yourself. However, once deployed, all DAO governance operations will still be fully decentralized.

Choosing Which Option to Use

With self-deploy, you retain full control over the initial contract deployment, but may have to attempt it several times before succeeding. Managed deploy ensures a smooth experience but gives up some decentralization for the initial deployment.

If you are comfortable taking a bit more time and dealing with potential errors, we recommend using self-deploy. However, if you want a quick and painless deployment, managed deploy is the easier option. Let us know if you have any other questions about using Homebase's DAO Creator!

Last updated